GLF Trust Policies, Schools Reports and Financial Statements
The following link contains Trust wide policies that are adopted by the Trust Board and applied to all GLF schools:
Click here for the GLF Trust Central Policies outlined below
- Additional Educational Needs and Inclusion Policy Trust (generic in addition to the School's bespoke information report)
- Behaviour Towards Staff by Parents, Carers and Visitors
- Charging policy
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Complaints Policy and Procedural Guide
- Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- E-safety
- Exclusions
- GDPR – data protection
- GDPR – information security
- GDPR - protection of biometric information
- GDPR – privacy notice for job applicants
- GDPR – privacy notice for parents
- GDPR – privacy notice for pupils
- GDPR – privacy notice for the GLF workforce
- GDPR – privacy notice for visitors
- GDPR – retention schedule
- GDPR – schools freedom of information
- Health & Safety
- Health & Safety Covid Addendum
- ICT Acceptable Use
- Intimate Care
- Off-Site Activities
- Physical Intervention
- Supporting Children with Medical Conditions
- Whistleblowing
GLF Schools Reports and Financial Statements
The school’s accounts are published annually on the website by 31 December and at Companies House by 31 May for the preceding academic year. The accounts comply with Charity Law and guidance published by the Education Funding agency.
GLF Schools Articles of Association
GLF Schools Financial Statements and Employees with benefits over £100,000