House System
At Glyn School, there are eight Houses which are each run by a designated House Leader. The House and the colours which identify membership are:
- Abbey - Light Blue
- Bourne - Black
- Carew - Red
- Derby - Green
- Merton - Dark Blue
- Oaks - Orange
- St Benet - Purple
- Tudor - Yellow
All students and their Form Tutors are assigned to a specific House when they join the school. Everyone at Glyn School is involved in representing their House and this is demonstrated in many ways: from taking part in a range of House events, wearing the correct uniform, raising money for charities, taking part in community projects and learning new skills to build confidence. Students are proud to wear their House ties.
What do the Houses do?
The Houses are an important part of our community at Glyn and are a central part of school life. Each House is represented in all House events and they are also responsible for co-ordinating community cohesion projects and charitable fund raising for their nominated House charity (chosen by the students) and school charities.
House Assemblies, led by the House Leaders, take place every half term are used to bring students up to date on forthcoming events, scores, encouragement of good practice and the presentation of awards.
At the end of each term there is also a Whole School Assembly to collectively share the attainment, achievement and successes of Houses, Year groups and individuals.
House Leaders
Our House Leaders play a crucial role within the school and their function is to support the students in their House, to create a sense of community, healthy competition and belonging.
House Leaders role is to coordinate the House events which take place throughout the year and to organise charity and community projects within our local community and beyond.
House | |
Abbey | Mr W Rylance |
Bourne | Mr J Long |
Carew | Mr L Dawson |
Derby | Miss L Thayaparan |
Merton | Miss S Edge |
Oaks | Miss H Daudi |
St Benet | Mr T Hanna |
Tudor | Mr G Howard |
House Events
House competitions are run by all subject departments and coordinated by the House Leaders. Each event contributes to the overall yearly winners by giving out House Points for participation and also first, second and third places. The culmination of the House events is reached at the Whole School Sports Day, where many points can be won. When all the House events are completed, the House points are calculated and the winning House is announced in the final Whole School Assembly at the end of the academic year. The winning House wins the coveted Victor Ludorum Trophy.
Timetable of Events for Spring Term (Half Term 3 and Half term 4)
House Points
House Points are given out both in and out of lessons as Achievement Points to reward student effort in academic, sporting and community endeavours, and students demonstrating the school's key values such as integrity, respect, community and challenge.
Benefits of House System
The House System at Glyn School supports our students by:
- Fostering integrity, respect and consideration for others throughout the school community.
- Encouraging positive self-esteem amongst students and promoting the values and ethos of the school community.
- Providing opportunities for all students (regardless of ability) to take part in a range of activities so that students can realise their full potential.
- The promotion of student responsibilities, leadership skills and collaboration.
- The development of students’ personal and social skills and wellbeing.
- Fostering healthy competition.
Our students are proud and loyal to their Houses, which can still be seen at our Old Glynians' Annual Dinner. The sense of belonging stays well beyond the five or seven years our students are with us.
House Captains
There is an application process for students who wish to be considered as a House Captain. House Captains participate in organising, promoting and running events. House Captains have regular meetings with their House Leaders and support them by sharing information to the Form groups in their House to ensure that the essence of all the Houses is a prominent feature in the school community.
House Colours
House Colours are a highly prized public recognition of both a student’s excellence and their commitment to their House .
House Colours can be awarded by the House team to students two consistently demonstrate the core values across the school. Students will need to have demonstrated the following criteria:
- A record of loyalty and outstanding service to their House
- Fair and generous behaviour in school and during House events.
- Reliability and commitment in school and to the House
- A cooperative and collaborative attitude towards staff and other students.
Half House Colours (a striped ribbon) are awarded to students in Years 7 and 8.
Full House Colours (a full colour ribbon) are awarded to students in Years 9,10 & 11.
Students who wish to apply for either Half House Colours or House Colours are asked to please complete this Google Form:
Link: House Colours Application
If you have any questions about House Colours, please contact your House Leader.