Great Learners
Great Learners Overview
Our common goal is for our students to reach their potential. At Glyn School we believe that the best way to achieve this is to support our students to become Great Learners.
What is a Great Learner?
- Great Learners have a deep knowledge and understanding of the subjects they study. They enjoy and develop a lifelong love of learning.
- Great Learners have successful learning behaviours and study habits, so that they can improve their independent practice.
- Great Learners are independent and can self-regulate their learning by knowing what works. They can plan and organise their time and materials and stay motivated without teachers or Parents and Carers having to work hard for them.
- Great Learners are assessment ready because they are well prepared, with lots of time to lower stress, so they can perform at their best and feel proud of their achievements.
Therefore, the gold standard of Glyn School’s curriculum is our students’ ability to self-regulate. Self-regulation is the ability to manage our own behaviour and aspects of our learning. It is the determining factor in students’ success, leading to significant additional learning gains, which increase as students get older.
Over the last few years, teachers at Glyn School have been using recent educational research into how we learn. This has, in turn, changed how we teach. We want to share our learning about this model of learning and teaching with our students, so that they can choose and use effective learning strategies.
The ‘Habits of Success’ toolkit, outlines to students what makes a ‘great learner’ and successful learning behaviours and study habits, so that they can improve their independent practice, self-regulation and become Great Learners.
Teachers will explicitly explain, model, guide and review their use of the L&T 7 principles and the ‘Habits of Success’. This will support students in using them too. In every subject, continued review will be needed to work out what students know, remember, understand and can do and what they don’t yet. Students must be taught how to evaluate and address their gaps and stay motivated to keep improving.
For more information on how students can become Great Learners please see the 'Habits of Success' tooklit and this digitised document about Great Learning.
Feedback has been shown to be one of the things that can help students learn most. Therefore, teachers want to use it as much as they can in lessons. Students can use these 5 teacher how2 videos to help them use feedback to make a real impact on their learning.