Pastoral Support
At Glyn School we are fully committed to ensuring that our students feel safe, happy and make progress. Our students having a postive attitude, being engaged and focused on achieveing, both academically and beyond the classroom, is key. Everyone having a shared understanding of our core values, postive relationships and a sense of community, is paramount to helping us achieve this.
Strong pastoral care is a priority in helping us to help our students develop. Our pastoral system is based on a Year Group structure and our team provides both day to day and, where applicable, longer term help to any student who is experincing any difficulities in and out of school. We also have access to additional support and help from outsude agencies, as well as working closely with our SEND Departement. Our pastoral support is set up to ensure that any barriers to our students are removed to enable postive wellbeing and progress.
Heads of Years
Our Form Tutors are led by Heads of Years who are responsible for overseeing student progress and wellbeing. Heads of Years from Years 7 to 11 and Years 12 to 13 remain with their Year groups as they move through the school. This allows the Head of Year to build strong relationsahips with our families and to get to know their students well.
Deputy Heads of Years
Each Head of Year is supported by a Deputy Head of Year. The Deputy Heads of Years have specific roles in working with key groups within each Year group structure.
Form Tutors
Our pastoral structure is based around the Form Tutor, who is a first point of contact and support in school for both parents & carers and students. Form Tutors see the students every day during Form time and, where possible, we try to ensure that they stay with their same group throughout Years 7 to 11 and Years 12 to 13. This allows Form Tutors to develop a strong and supportive relationship with them.
Form Tutors deliver our PSHCE programme and Next Steps programme during Form time.
Senior Learning Mentors
The pastoral team are supported by non-teaching Senior Learning Mentors, who are available throughout the day to provide support and intervention for our students, and to liaise with families. They also work closely with a number of outside agencies and our SEND Departemnt to support students in overcoming any barriers to learning.
Leadership and Management Team
Each Year group has a designated member of the Leadership and Management Team who supports the Heads of Years within their role.
Pastoral Team For Years 7 to 11
We would request that inital contact with the school is done through your son's Form Tutor. Please follow the link below to our Staff Contact list:
Leadership and Management Lead Years 10 and 11 | Ms M McKenna |
Senior Learning Mentor for Years 10 and 11 | Ms C Wilson-David |
Head of Year 11 | Miss L Seal |
Deputy Head of Year 11 | |
11 Abbey 11 Bourne 11 Carew 11 Derby 11 Merton 11 Oaks 11 St Benet 11 Tudor | Mrs F Cutrufo and Ms A O'Herlihy Ms C Fitzpatrick Mr M Chhatralia Mrs K Bryan Miss L Stokes Miss H Daudi and Ms Wilson-David Mr A Churchill Mr J Ellis |
Head of Year 10 | Mrs J Fairbrother |
Deputy Head of Year 10 | Mr J Sidhu |
10 Abbey 10 Bourne 10 Carew 10 Derby 10 Merton 10 Oaks 10 St Benet 10 Tudor | Mr T Inthirarajah Mrs S Hartnett Mrs Z Khan and Mr A Coleman Miss L Thayaparan and Mr A Coleman Miss S Bayliss and Ms V Lester Mrs M Bloomberg Mr M Colombage and Miss S Caverhill Mr A McKay |
Leadership and Management Lead Years 7, 8 and 9 | Mr R Lightfoot |
Senior Learning Mentor for Years 7, 8 and 9 | Mrs R Regan |
Head of Year 9 | Miss J Zimmermann |
Deputy Head of Year 9 | Mr G Howard |
9 Abbey 9 Bourne 9 Carew 9 Derby 9 Merton 9 Oaks 9 St Benet 9 Tudor | Mr W Rylance and Ms A O'Herlihy Mr J Long and Ms A O'Herlihy Mr J Braybrook Mrs J Ryell and Mrs C Evans Miss N Malik Mr M Toye Mr G Rice Mrs L Baxter |
Head of Year 8 | Mr C Beaney |
Deputy Head of Year 8 | Mr C Ganeshalingam |
8 Abbey 8 Bourne 8 Carew 8 Derby 8 Merton 8 Oaks 8 St Benet 8 Tudor | Miss G Turnbull and Ms A O'Herlihy Miss S Edge Mr L Dawson and Mr K Nimmo Mrs E Londono and Mr K Nimmo Mr M Simonds and Mr K Nimmo Mrs D Nandwani and Mr K Nimmo Mr T Hanna and Mr K Nimmo Mr K Varma |
Head of Year 7 | Mrs R Regan |
Deputy Head of Year 7 | Miss S Davies |
7 Abbey 7 Bourne 7 Carew 7 Derby 7 Merton 7 Oaks 7 St Benet 7 Tudor | Mr K Chetty Mrs J Bellanca and Ms P Piper Mrs K Poole and Ms P Piper Mr T Oaten Mr K Hicks Miss S Cunningham Mr K MacLeod Mr A Poppleton |