Head Students' Welcome
Sixth Form Student Leadership Team
The Student Leadership Team consists of our Student Heads of School and Deputies. Their role is very diverse and includes the leadership of the Senior Prefect and Prefect teams.
Head Students
Donovan | Olivia |
Deputy Head Students
Naael | Melissa |
Donovan - Head Student Welcome
I’m excited to introduce myself as Head Student at Glyn School; it is a genuine honour to represent such a distinguished school and one that has played a pivotal role in both my personal and academic development.
I remember my first day in Year Seven, walking into the canteen at lunch by myself and walking back out with a whole group of friends whom I had met only an hour before; it was our first day at Glyn yet it felt like we had been there for years - we soon realised that it was more than just another school, it was a community that embraced every individual.
What is especially impressive about Glyn’s community is it's continued commitment to empowering student voices. From the moment students join, we are encouraged to express ideas and actively participate in shaping the school - students aren’t viewed simply as passive recipients of education, rather active contributors to a dynamic learning environment. We are given various platforms to have our say in influencing decisions, from student leadership meetings to open feedback forums, and it is this student-centric culture of inclusion that ensures that every pupil feels heard and valued.
What makes Glyn School stand out, to me, though is it's progressive championing of the creative arts. Amid underinvestment and marginalisation of the arts in education, Glyn remains aware of the unceasing importance of creativity and individualism, and thus gives students countless opportunities to express themselves beyond the classroom. Having been involved in school drama productions at the Epsom Playhouse, the painting of a student-led mural, and the annual Creative Arts Evening, I have witnessed first-hand the countless avenues in which Glyn students get to express themselves.
As Head Student, my mission is to preserve and strengthen the student voice, ensuring that every single pupil’s voice is heard and that we continue to empower our students to make a difference. Alongside an inspiring team of Prefects, I hope to help foster the same sense of belonging and support that I felt on my first day, and uphold the values that make Glyn School such a special place.
Thank you for taking the time to read my welcome message. I look forward to contributing to the continued success and spirit of Glyn School.
Olivia - Head Student Welcome
It is such an honour to be able to call myself a head student of Glyn School. Although I have only been here a short time in comparison to others, the school has already become influential in my academic and personal growth.
I came to Glyn with only a few friends from my previous school, but that completely changed from the first day, making many more as I transitioned into this new environment. Almost immediately, walking into unknown classes and buildings became easier with such a strong group of people around me, all supporting each other. This, of course, included the teachers who welcomed us into their classrooms and encouraged us from the get-go, willing us on and supporting us whenever we needed.
Having been here almost a year now, I have been able to understand how the school works and figure out what I hope to achieve to strengthen this community even further, including larger whole school events, and drawing focus to the lesser heard voices, shining a light on things like LGBTQ+ pride, gender equality, and mental health even further to help boost knowledge and appreciation within the school community, as these are really important topics to me.
I really hope we are able to achieve our goals, and that students and teachers alike feel they can come forward with more thoughts and ideas, so that we can help the school to maintain the support and understanding that I experienced in my journey of joining.
Thank you for taking the time to read my welcome message, I hope that some of my values align and you can I look forward to contributing to the continuing the success and growth of Glyn School during my time as head student.